Ethnology of America

As MA student of American studies in INAES/ univeristy of Tehran, iam happy to have this opportunity to share my understanding about cultural studies and ethnology of America which is under Dr. Ameli`s instruction (head of the institution )with all of my classmates and also the people who are interested in this subject.Although iam in the very begining but hope that have fruitfull posts for all the visitors.

Location: Tehran, Iran

The very first start of my enthusiasm to American studies goes back to my participation in the dialogue group held in Roros_ Norway in 2005. we had one week class of conflict resolution with American students.since that time i decided to focus my proficiency on American studies...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

news analysis
Contrast of Martin Luther King's Memorial and UCLA incident

On Monday November 13, 2006, Bill Clinton, George Bush, celebrities and ordinary people gathered on National Mall where Martin Luther King's Memorial is under the construction.
Who was Martin Luther King?
He was one of the famous black Americans figures who won Noble peace prize in his 35 in 1964 and he turned over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement.
Martin Luther King born in 1929 in a religious family whose grandfather began long tenure as pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist church. King Experienced racial discriminations during his life; he used to go to the segregated schools while he was a child. He graduated from Morehouse College; a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta from which both his father and grandfather had been graduated. Martin Luther King received his doctorate degree in Theology from university of Boston. In 1954 he became a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and in the early December 1955 he accepted the leadership of the first great Negro nonviolent demonstration of contemporary times in the United States. Although he was he was arrested upwards of twenty times and assaulted at least four times; he was awarded five honorary degrees. In 1963 by Time Magazine he was named Man of the Year. His famous speech in March on Washington in 1963 "I have a dream" still is remaining in black Americans mind.
In the meeting which took place in the National mall, November 13th, President Bush said that he is proud to dedicate the memorial to "the lasting memory of a great man. George Bush said building a monument from King is not enough; we need a commitment for all Americans "so we will continue to work for the day when the dignity and humanity of every person is respected and the American promise is denied to no one".
Clinton Also insisted on the significance of Martin Luther King's nonviolent message in America Today. Construction of $ 100 million monument is being scheduled to be completed in 2008 and Tommy Hilfiger and General Motors are the financial supporters.
Just 6 days after, in
November 19th the implication of this news came true. What happened to Iranian_ American student in UCLA campus at 11:30 PM? I believe there is a great gap between George Bush's dream ("to work for a day when dignity and humanity of every person is respected") and the reality. Police is representation of Law and is to guarantee the security of every person then why Mustafa Tabatabainejad is the target of Taser incident? This is the Global implication of Bush administration that: we are not what we demonstrate!
MLK`s memorial is a nice and respectful reaction toward not only the Blacks but also all people of the color; is the Taser incident toward Mustafa offensive not only to Iranian Americans but also to all racial groups living as citizens in USA?
See the articulation of contrasts from the two news!

Friday, November 17, 2006

2nd 1500 words essay

War on terror inflamed Xenophobia; with us or against us?
How the construction/demonization of ethnoracial groups contributes to Shape the self-conception of the United States?

Desolation of twin towers, in the morning of September 11th 2001, respectively at 8:45 and 9:03 not only touched American patriotism but also reconstructed xenophobic "war on terror" ideology in USA. American nationalism experienced new era after 9/11.
This article is to answer the question in title above. I will consider how September 11th highlighted American self conception and where is the case of racial groups or "Others" in this situation, clearly how they were treated after 9/11.
War on terror is a campaign to stop international terrorism. According to definition of terrorism under the Federal Criminal Code of United states, terrorism is:
"activities that involve violent... or life-threatening acts... that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State and... appear to be intended, to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and ...if domestic...(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States...if international...(C) occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."
Some of United States con terrorism strategies are:
1. Defeat terrorists and their organizations.
2. Defend U.S. citizens and interests at home and abroad, such as
1. Implementing the Nation Strategy for Homeland Security
2. Attaining domain awareness
3. Enhancing measures to ensure the integrity, reliability, and availability of critical physical and information-based infrastructures at home and abroad.
4. Integrating measures to protect U.S. citizens abroad.
5. Ensure an integrated incident management capability.
"War on terror" phrase has European initiation, 2nd April of 1881 but it is also used frequently by Ronald Ragan in 1980 as well.
Aftermath of 9/11 attacks George Bush asked a question: either you are with us or against us? This question divided the world in two opposing groups. "We Americans and our alliances who are antiterrorists" and "them, our enemies, others who are terrorist". Now which side of the line should racial groups situate? Black Americans, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, Hispanics and etc..? One who are biologically and culturally different from Americans! To me, September 11th highlighted racial and immigrations issues in United States. Obviously and logically (from American side) immigrants and racial groups would be the first suspected detentions for they are "others", not "us", one who are not from the same blood as "us".
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reported in fiscal year of 2000 there were 7792 cases for discrimination due to national origin, while it had risen to 8025 cases in 2001 and 9042 in 2002. After 9/ 11 attack Bush administration started their security actions in United States for "war on terror" such as: intimidations, inspection, threatening and ridiculing against Muslims and people from South Asian origins who were suspected to terrorism.
People who worked in Arabic Islamic organizations such as council on American Islamic relations received many threatening phone calls with the words" you will die" or" "Go to Hell Arabs".
Women had problem with wearing Hijab so some changed their headscarves to baseball caps or hat not to be suspected to terrorism because of having Islamic appearance. Some parents quit their children from going to school for few weeks after 9/ 11 because there were so many threats to Muslim students specially those with the name of "Osama" or "Muhammad"[1].Also vandalism against mosques, Arab schools and Arab American community property and Governmental interference in religious obligations for Zakat became common for they thought the moneys are for supporting terrorism. Many Arab Americans merchants felt compelled to fly American flag out of fear for their economic and physical well_ being. Flying American flag had been very common after 9/11. This I think goes back to reinforcing patriotism in United States.
The INS commissioner, James Ziglar reported that 30000 aliens were at deportation borders. 80000 men were registered as deported forced to leave their family with out any supports.
These suspicious atmospheres not only existed against Muslims but also Latinos for drug producing and drug smuggling operations. After 9/11 Americans were taught the link between illicit drug and international terrorism. Like the link between Al_Qaeda group with producing heroin in Afghanistan before 9/11. Latinos suspicion to terrorism goes back to 1940, the media and societal conception toward Latinos as a foreign sourced threat during the World War II. Also during 1950 Puerto Ricans were labeled as terrorists and revolutionary minded.
George Bush called upon "eyes and ears of alert citizens" to help for defending terrorism. His administration also brought proposals to the congress to reduce immigration level and anti immigration movements reinforced their existence not only in America but also other parts of the world. They also operate harsh investigations and profiling in the airports toward the passengers who look Muslim or having Islamic names.By these statistics, what is forming in your mind to answer this question: How the construction/demonization of ethnoracial groups contributes to Shape the self-conception of the United States by focusing on "war or terror"? I think, George Bush `s question "with us or against us?" have two implications:1. global implication2. national implicationGlobal implication is pinpointing to the people of the world. About this case interpretations are clarified because there are national borders. Iran, Iraq and North Korea were mentioned as "Axis of Evil". People who are "against us" (Said George Bush).The second implication is national and referring to the people of America.Bush's question shaped self conception of the United States in two different groups:1. " US", white Americans2. " Them", " others", immigrationsThe first self conception is implicating to white Americans, whose national interests are putting in danger by the attacks. People who are anti terrorism. They are advocates of democracy, human rights and hate violence. On the other side of the line, there are "THEM" or "OTHERS" who are from different ethnoracial groups. They are terrorists and supporters of terrorism in the world, who have immigrated to USA long time ago and now they are American citizens but after the attacks because of different beliefs and maybe skin color they are segregated from American self conception. George Bush is questioning the governmental policies toward immigrants by making this distinction. If immigrants are dangerous to American security why the government was welcome to them before?As we see the suspected people are Arab Americans, Muslims and Asians who are putting on the second group, the terrorists. They are the victims of this distinction, whose religious beliefs are being (by mistake) questioned, they will be intimated, and they will be threatened just because they are biologically, culturally and ideologically different in American governments` perspective. .How do you conclude? Don’t you think this clear cut is making duality in self conception of the United States? Is power the producer of this clear cut? Does it reconstruct Foucault's opinion about absorption of power in all layers of social life? Is it fragmented concept or macro?I think power is fragmented concept in all layers of social life and it shapes self conception of united sates. This is the matter of power that labeled some as "different" and easily called as "terrorists", one who are against "US".

[1] I remembered "Crash", Oscar winner film in 2006, an Iranian man who was in a shop to buy Bullet for his gun received very offensive treatment from the shopkeeper. The Iranian man was talking with his daughter who was disagreed to buy bullet, suddenly the shop keeper got angry and told him" Osama, haven’t you decided about your Jihad plan, yet?"

Friday, November 10, 2006

1500 w0rds essay

Reality for the sponsors: this is what media makes!
How media exercise the power of ethno racial construction?

Billboard, radio, Television, newspaper, advertisement, World Wide Web, Book ,CD, video Cassette, SMS, computer game, mobile computer; we are besieged by these medias that shape our understandings.
The world today is dominated by the media power. Different images, analysis, news and realities are produced according to the Media's attitudes, attachments and ideologies and all these can belong to the sponsors who are from different racial, ethnical, religious, political, economical and identical backgrounds; People who support Medias financially, ideologically and politically. So the produced reality cannot be the real reality because it is nourishing from sponsors` ideological viewpoints.
What Baudrillard mentioned as "hyper reality" is referring to the artificiality of real that blur the boundaries between the "real" and the "simulation, entertainment, and current affairs" (cited by Barker, 2001: 212). To me, hyper realities are not neutral but ideological. They have ideological orientation.
America, as a multicultural society, with varied racial and ethnical groups is matter of concern in this article with focusing on Blacks and how media as producer of message or transmitters of ' sign vehicle'(cited by Rojek, 2003; 94) in this Melton Pot is exercising the power of ethno racial construction.
Race has been a controversial problem since exploration of America. It is woven to warp and woof of American society and penetrating to all social institutions and media is not the exception.
Media with the potentiality of disseminating facts, information and opinions has a special place in American society. According to media policy 101 statistics, the average American spends over 4 hours a day watching TV, 78% of adults listen to radio, 88% of Americans believe internet has important role in their daily routine and average American child view 40000 commercials per year. About 12 million viewers watch nightly ABC, NBC and CBS news (Jacobs, 2ooo; 24).
And how ethnic and racial groups like Black Americans in this significant place are represented?
In America, it was not until late 1960 and early 1970 that we find any black families in television drama (Barker, 2000; 267) .The first television programme to feature Black Americans was Amos `n' Andy (Barker, 2000; 268). Hall believed that, this programme was a comedy that became a symbol of degradation of black people by the use of humor based on stereotypes. Media representations of people of color increased during 1980_90. Hall, a black Jamaican who May experienced racial discrimination, has such idea about black American representation.
Stuart Hall believes that binary forms of representation exist between ' THEM' as white and ' US' as black. White has always been represented as good and black as bad, respectively civilized/ primitive and attractive/ ugly. Takaki also in ' The tempest in the wilderness' showed this kind of binary position in case of British and Irish (Takaki, 1993; 28). Although these two are from the same origin but British are considered as civilized and nurtured but Irish as natural and savage.
This misrepresentation and ignorance also happens to Arabs in Hollywood movies. Norman Solomon indicated that Arabs in Hollywood are always representing as dirty, untrustworthy, violent and lecherous (Solomon, 2004; 4).

Ideologies support media
Althussers was a Marxist philosopher who talked about the concept of Ideology. He believed ideology is one of the three levels of social formation. This concept means system of representation such as images, myths, ideas or concepts (Barker, 2000; 77). Ideology constitutes subjects and subjects are fragmented and have pluralistic subject positions. Ideology is understood to be material phenomenon rooted in daily conditions. In his definition, there are four ideological state apparatuses:
1. family
2. education system ( transmits ruling class ideology)
3. church
4. mass media
To me, ideology can be one of the important factors of media formation.
In America since 1975, two thirds of independent newspaper and one third of TV owners have disappeared. Merely, 4% of radio station and less than 2% of T.V stations are owned by people of the color.
Reason of misrepresentation of Black Americans goes back to the hidden ideologies. Existence of racial media is dependent to existence of racial ideology. Benshoff and Griffin in their book "American on film" indicating that American cinema for the most part functions under the dominant ideology of white patriarchal capitalism (Benshoff & Griffin, 2004; 75).
According to the above statistics, I think American media is becoming more and more dominant on the masses and they not only decide what to watch but also how to think about and believe the "produced reality". Also I can say that almost media power is controlled by white Americans not the people of the color. This shows how much they are marginalized from the mainstream space of society and how ethno racial power exist in media as well. This ethno racial ideology exists in infrastructure and the superstructure is misrepresentation or ignorance.

Gramsci, ideology and hegemony
Gramsci, an Italian writer, politician and political theorist, in late 19th and early 20th century, defined hegemony as "situation where historical bloc of ruling class factions exercises social authority and leadership over the subordinate classes" ( cited by Barker, 2000; 80) .
He believed representation of formal education system as a meritocracy and people of color as by nature inferior and less capable than white people is formed by ideology. The hegemonic bloc as he said is not single socioeconomic category perhaps ideology plays a crucial role in alliances of the groups. In Gramscian word, hegemony has to be constantly remade and renowned.
To have these two theories as a model, I think Black Americans have experience of subordination toward whites during the history and this historical bloc has been existed since exploration of America. History of slavery and tortures against Black Americans was a cycle of remaking and re owning hegemony for white Americans.
During 1960_70 America experienced race crisis that caused so many professionals and journalists to arrange series of conferences to consider racial issues. In that time media was deficient in neutrality of race problems. Carolyn Martindale in his pamphlet "The white press and Black America" declared that media had failed three matters:
1. To cover Black as normal part of American society instead reinforcing and promoting stereo types.
2. Portraying problems that black Americans face.
3. Explain causes and underlying condition of black Americans.
According to Martindale (1986) and Campbell (1995), "African Americans in news cast are represented as criminals connected to gun and violence "(cited by Barker, 2000; 269)

Up to here, by reviewing Althussers and Gramsci theories I tired to say representation of blacks in American media is implicating existence of ideology and hegemony's concepts. Clearly media such as newspaper, TV, web sites and other forms (mentioned in introduction) are dominated more by white power in America and blacks a portion of America's population are subordinated by the white dominant ideology and hegemony of whites for directing and sponsoring the media.
Also the white media produce the reality which can be hyper reality that implicated values and ideologies of whites. Media has this capability for two reasons:
1. Media is managed by corporation's capitals so profit play important role in producing reality. In my idea media is a capitalistic phenomenon which is nourishing by capital.
2. Media creates the reality and what is offering to the audiences is "hallucinatory resemble" version ( Barker, 2000; 212)
According to Nietzsche, "pure knowledge is impermissible and nothing more than expediency of certain race and species" (cited by Barker, 2000; 199). That’s why in media today we have different narrations for one single happening. Every media interprets world with its own eyes. This goes back to the media characteristic. I believe media is not and can not be a neutral phenomenon. Basically is profit _oriented, no matter economic, cultural or political.
Media as a tool for forming public opinion is more concerning by politicians and governmental agendas. Governments can stabilize their hegemony over controlling Medias and persuading masses by ideologies. Censorship and articulation of specific news, representing minorities as problems, otherization and racial/ethnic discriminations are policies of media sponsors. I think media has this capability everywhere, it is not specified to particular part of the world but the difference is in amount and degree of interfere.

· Barker, Chris(2000) cultural studies; theory and practice, London, sage
· Benshoff, Harry N & Griffin, Sean ( 2004) America on film; representing race, class, gender and sexuality at the movies, USA, Blackwell publishing
· Jacobs, Ronald D (2000) Media, race and the crisis of the civil
Society from Watt to Rodney king, UK, Cambridge University
· Rojek ,Chris ( 2003) Stuart Hall, London, Blackwell publishing Ltd
· Solomon, Norman ( 2004) The war and racism _ media denial in over drive, Journal of Media beat, USA
· Takaki, Ronald (1939) a different mirror, Congress Caraloging in- publication data, USA.

Internet references: